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Towards the Future

Updated: Jun 1, 2018

Looking at the sex industry as a whole, it is obvious that there isn’t just one issue that contributes to the sex robots debate.

A culmination of blurred lines of consent, toxic masculinity, polarised sex market, and male dominated industries all contribute to the uneasiness surrounding the creation of artificially conscious female sex robots.

The recommendations that need to be considered by the sex industry, besides the astronomical job of overhauling sexism in the industry, is just one: the evaluation of the necessity of such advanced AI and AC in sex robots should be considered, especially if they are going to be created purely for sex but also afforded person-status and legal rights.

Matt McMullen was quoted as saying that human women were his biggest competitors in selling sex robots – but instead of competing with women, the people who he has made his fortune from, perhaps he should aim to work with them – since they're not going anywhere.

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